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el Lector Divan and Divan Forum Membership Agreement

This Membership Agreement regulates the el Lector Divan and Divan Forum membership rules, and it is not possible to become a member of the site unless this agreement is accepted completely and unilaterally. With this Membership Agreement, you are expected to show the necessary sensitivity since you will read and agree to comply with the site and forum usage rules stated below. If you pass this stage, it means that you accept by reading the following items. el Lector Divan reserves the right to amend this membership agreement when and when necessary, by notifying the members.


The parties subject to this contract;

a. The membership section and the forum in this section, which aims to share information, experience and legal legislation on cigars and cigar accessories, which are established under the name of website and under the name of El Lector Divan, Divan Forum, and the forum in this section. such as the Divan and the Divan Forum).

b. 3rd persons who agree in advance to comply with all legal sanctions and rules in the el Lector Divan and Divan Forum membership section under the website (hereinafter referred to as Members).


The subject of this Agreement is to determine the conditions to benefit from all other services, including the forum, from the Council membership section under


3.1. The member declares and undertakes that the personal and other information given while becoming a member of the Court are correct before the law, and that the Court and the Board will compensate all damages that the Court will suffer due to the inaccuracy of the information. In addition, in cases where it is clearly evident that the information is not correct, the Council and the Divan Forum reserve the right to suspend the membership of this member and to cancel the membership when necessary.

3.2., Divan and Divan Forum will not sell or allow tobacco, tobacco products, cigars and cigarillo to be sold, in accordance with the orders of the relevant laws and regulations, not to contradict the law numbered 4207 and, if determined, the membership of the members who make sales unilaterally. cease immediately, but notify the competent authorities. The member accepts in advance that he / she will comply with these conditions. The Divan and the Divan Forum cannot be held liable for any of the activities, exchanges, and the resulting damages, whether for money or not, between members, except for their own platform., cannot be demanded to be covered by the Court for any damage that may arise. The criminal liability of such activities, exchanges, and their involvement, excluding the information and involvement of the Divan and the Divan Forum, will belong to the members or other persons involved in these activities.

3.3. and the Divan and the Forum do not accept any responsibility for any activity or exchange that they meet with each other through or the Divan or Forum, with or without financial value. The request for the arrangement of damages that may arise as a result of these cannot be made to or to the Divan or to the Divan Forum.

3.4. The member accepts that he / she is 18 years of age and will submit the necessary information and documents to the Court and / or the Divan Forum for proof purposes when necessary.

3.5. The member cannot give the membership right and user name given to him by or the Divan or Divan Forum to any other person or organization, and the right to use the user name in question belongs to the member himself. With all responsibility that may arise for this reason, against all claims and demands that may be made by third parties or competent authorities against or the Court or the Divan Forum, the Court or the Board of the Forum arising from such unauthorized use. all kinds of compensation and other claims are reserved.

3.6. The Member agrees and undertakes to comply with the provisions of the forbidden legislation and not to violate them while using the Council and / or the Divan Forum or its services offered by Any behavior or action aimed at rendering the site or the forum part of the site inoperable, slowing down significantly or damaging the software and hardware systems is prohibited. This prohibition also includes making a large number of queries or membership registrations using automatic programs, or sending a large number of requests or information to the site by automatic methods. has the right to block the access of the members that it determines to be engaged in such activities and to take legal action and all legal and criminal liabilities that may arise will bind the member completely and exclusively.

3.7. The Member may not use the, Divan or Divan Forum services in a manner that disrupts public order, violates public morality, disturbs and harasses others, for a purpose contrary to the laws of the country or international level, in a way that violates the intellectual and copyright rights of others. can not offer the services it receives to the use of third parties, or subject it to commercial activities such as leasing or offering for sale. In addition, the member cannot be involved in activities and transactions that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services.

3.8. The opinions and thoughts expressed, written and used by the members in the Council or the Forum section are entirely members' own personal opinions and bind the opinion holder. These opinions and thoughts are of no relevance or connection with or the Divan or Divan Forum. It is the responsibility of the members not to give private information about themselves or others. The Court or the Divan Forum does not have any responsibility for the damages that third parties may incur due to the opinions and opinions expressed by the member and for the damages that may arise from the actions and actions of third parties that the Member may suffer during the use of the services.

3.9. The Divan and Divan Forum will not be liable for unauthorized reading of member data and for damages to member software and data. The member has agreed in advance not to claim compensation from, the Court or the Divan Forum for any damage that may be incurred by the use of the services of the Court and the Divan Forum.

3.10. The member agrees not to access or use the software and data of other internet users without permission. Otherwise, the legal and criminal responsibilities that may arise from this belong to the member. Membership of a member who violates one or more of the articles listed in this membership agreement will be terminated immediately, and will be personally and criminally liable for this violation, and, the Court and the Council Forum will not be liable for the legal and criminal consequences of these violations. it will make it independent. In addition, in the event that the event is referred to the legal field due to this violation, the Court, the Divan Forum and reserve the right to claim compensation for non-compliance with the membership agreement against the member.

3.11. The Divan or Divan Forum has the right to unilaterally delete a member's membership, delete files, documents and information belonging to the member at any time when necessary. The member accepts this savings in advance. In this case, the Divan or Divan Forum has no responsibility.

3.12. The accuracy, completeness, adequacy and up-to-dateness of any information contained in the Divan or Divan Foru is by no means guaranteed or committed by or the Divan or Divan Forum. In no way, the member can claim that the information and / or services on the website are inaccurate or have suffered damage due to this information. www.ellector or the Divan or Divan Forum can always change, correct and / or remove the aforementioned information and / or services without the need for prior notice and / or notice. The Court has taken every precaution to ensure that the site and its services are error-free. However, no guarantee is given regarding the existing or possible errors on the site.

3.13. Any direct and / or indirect material and / or moral, negative and / or positive, in short, any damages arising from access to the website of or the Divan or Divan Forum website, direct or indirect use of the information and / or services on the site. Divan, Divan Forum Administrators and Moderators, who work without any expectation of financial compensation, regardless of their name, cannot be held responsible for the persons who prepare the information and / or services in this style.

3.14. Since the council members share mutually and thus provides a forum environment for promoting and sharing the cigar culture, it accepts that the information, materials and documents shared by the members do not violate any rights and copyright laws and cannot be held responsible for the media information and documents shared by the members. Members accept from the outset that they will not participate in such publications. On the contrary, the membership agreement is terminated unilaterally.

3.15. In case of legal obligation, the Council may share Membership Information, IP Addresses, with competent authorities, and audit members' personal messages. Members declare that they waive all their personal rights regarding this subject with this contract.

3.16. Measures have been taken to ensure that the Divan website is free from viruses and similar software. In addition, in order to ensure the ultimate security, the user must supply his own virus protection system and provide the necessary protection. In this context, he / she is deemed to have accepted that he / she is responsible for all errors that may occur in his / her software and operating systems and their direct or indirect consequences upon his / her entry to the Court or the Divan Forum. The information collected on the Court is stored in a secure environment that is not open to public use. However, despite this, it cannot give any guarantees regarding security issues.

3.17. The Divan, Divan Forum, reserves the right to change the content of the site at any time, to change or terminate any service provided to users, or to delete user information and data stored on the Divan Forum website. The Court may change, update or cancel the terms of the Divan Forum membership agreement at any time without prior notice and / or warning. Any provision that has been changed, updated or abolished will be effective for all members at the time of publication.

3.18. The parties acknowledge and declare to the Court that all computer records belonging to the Divan Forum will be taken as the sole and true exclusive evidence in accordance with Article 287 of the HUMK.


4.1. Every message written in the forum should be written in a clear and understandable language in accordance with the spelling rules and punctuation marks. Unnecessary abbreviations and letter changes should be avoided. It is forbidden to send a message consisting of only smiley without containing characters in multiple ways due to technical indexing error. It is strictly forbidden to write inappropriately capital letters on the forum. Color writing is allowed in required messages, provided that it is used in certain measures. It is forbidden to flood inappropriately, except in cases of posting several times, when necessary in the forum. Additions and edits should be made using the "Change" button. If necessary, there may be additions with several messages. It is forbidden to write very irrelevant messages that are not parallel to the subject title. Personal information, e-mail, telephone, etc. in the messages sent to the forum topics. it is not appropriate to give. All damages that may arise from such personal information sharing belong to the shareholder.

4.2. It is mandatory to provide a valid and active e-mail address. The forum management confirms this by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address for membership confirmation. Do not subscribe by temporary e-mail, the system may scan periodically and resend the automatic activation confirmation to users who subscribe with such e-mail addresses. In all correspondence related to membership, the e-mail address given while subscribing to the system is taken as basis and this address is used. Divan Forum believes that the e-mail is correct and acts accordingly. The Divan Forum is not responsible for any errors that may arise from false and false e-mails. When you want to change your e-mail address used in the forum, an automatic message is sent by the Forum to check the validity of this address. You will not be able to use the forum until this message is approved by you.

4.3. More than one member cannot be registered to the forum under different usernames. "Real names and surnames" that do not belong to him cannot be used as member names.

4.4. The forum member is responsible for the messages posted in the forum. It should be known that none of the messages to be sent or the ideas to be stated in the forum areas, positive or negative, bind the forum management and the site, and the forum management does not undertake the advocacy of the member in any law enforcement, the members are on their own. The forum management does not promise to support the member in such cases.

4.5. Messages that violate the laws of the Republic of Turkey or international laws, agreements and regulations cannot be sent to the forum.

4.6. It is forbidden to send threatening, abusive, anti-morbid, obscene, vulgar, hateful or large amounts of unsolicited messages, send messages and use materials targeting religion, language and racial discrimination, and display disdain for forum administrators and users.

4.7. The user violates the rights of others or violates the rights of others, including those that violate someone else's privacy or broadcast rights, or are protected by copyrights, trademark rights or other proprietary rights, or are adapted from materials falling within these described classes, without the prior consent of the owner or the holder of the rights, or Post or transmit any contradictory information, software or other material.

4.8. It cannot post announcements, information, visuals, internet connections, and direct personal commercial activities (sales, marketing, distribution, promotion) and advertising purposes.

4.9. When copyrighted materials belonging to other sites or persons are used in the forum area, they should be quoted using their name and permission or permission should be obtained before being used in the forum area. Otherwise, the forum management reserves the right to delete the aforementioned types of messages of the member and to cancel the membership of the member indefinitely. In addition, the Member will be responsible for all legal and legal sanctions and damages arising from the aforementioned actions.

4.10 Personal disputes and problems cannot be transferred to the forum environment. The forum environment is not the place to resolve them.

4.11. It is forbidden to exchange product prices and / or communicate with members for commercial purposes on the forum, with a commercial concern or purpose, by personal message and / or generally.

4.12. It is strictly forbidden to publish files and content that propagate religion, language, race, convey political messages, contain pornographic materials, encourage or encourage illegal behavior.

4.13. No subject can be opened in the form about the site and for the penalties imposed by the management / administrator. If there is a subject to be learned, it can be requested to be answered by notifying the manager via a private message. In the forum, all the topics about the site and the administration / administrator are deleted, the person who opens it is warned and is expelled from the forum again.

4.16. Administrator Powers:

I. Divan Forum executive officers have the authority to rearrange and if necessary delete messages, files, file links and messages whose content, format and location do not deem appropriate.

ii. Forum management does not allow any ideology or material contrary to the general morality and philosophy of the forum area to be included in the forum.

iii. Members who do not comply with the forum rules are warned by the administrators and their registrations are deleted from our system in case of repetition of the behavior. Registration of the deregistered member to the forum with another username is not allowed / deleted.

iv. Forum officials cannot enter into polemics or personal discussions with members while using their powers in volunteering tasks.

v. The right to update or add new forum rules is reserved by the forum administrators and can be updated whenever necessary. Users who do not accept the current or updated forum rules have the right to request the cancellation of their membership.

vi. There may be interruptions in the Divan Forum due to technical failures and maintenance. The Divan Forum is not responsible for such interruption of service.

vii. The transfer of the copyrights related to all images shared in the Forum to, to the Divan or to the Divan Forum and the reuse and / or editing of these images are deemed to be accepted.

viii. The texts and images shared in the form cannot be published or shared without the permission and approval of the Divan Forum, even by showing the source.

ix. Everyone who is a member of the forum is deemed to have accepted these terms.

4.17. Privacy Principles:

I. Your Personal Information: Divan Forum members have the right to use their information and e-mail addresses in the database only in the advertising, mailing and marketing areas of, Divan or Divan Forum. If the member wishes, he reserves the right to withdraw from this. It can do this through the facilities provided by the Forum or by notifying the Forum administrators in writing. Member personal information is not shared with third parties for advertising, mailing or marketing under any circumstances.

ii. Membership Cancellation: You can cancel your forum membership at any time. When you cancel your membership, your personal information on our side will be deleted. However, the cancellation of membership does not mean that the messages you have written and your actions in the forum until that day are terminated, and any legal liability arising from them continues.

iii. Forum Navigation and Cookies: Cookies are small text files that are sent to users' computers by sites on the internet and aim to give the user a more flexible and faster use in their future visits. The aforementioned cookies will not be used as a means of collecting personal information.

4.18. Avatar and Signature Rules:

I. Members cannot use their signatures or avatars as pictures, texts, phrases for commercial purposes.

ii. It is forbidden for members to receive advertisements and use their signatures or avatars for this purpose.

iii. It is forbidden to write messages that give sales and similar service content to the signatures or avatars of the members.

iv. The forum reserves the right to delete signatures and avatars that do not comply with the rules, to remove their members or to cancel their membership.

4.19. Relations with Legal Persons:

I., Divan and Divan Forum serve those interested in cigar and cigar culture. For this reason, memberships must be on behalf of individuals, and legal entity memberships are not accepted. Even if it is taken on behalf of the person, the membership of those who act to take their membership out of the personal dimension will be canceled indefinitely.

ii. Legal entities and companies can request their products to be published in the Blog section by sharing their promotions, reviews, news, campaigns, prices via el Lector Blog via The acceptance or rejection of requests is entirely at the disposal of el Lector Blog administrators.

iii. Legal entities and companies cannot use any part of the Forum for product sales.

iv. The forum is obliged to protect the rights of companies as well as individuals. Messages containing attacks, humiliation or false information to any institution will be intervened by the site administrators. Legal entities should send a message to the site management about the unfounded allegations made to the institutions that they have an organic or inorganic bond with, confirming the authority status of the company. In such cases, it is not appropriate for legal persons to intervene with other members by messaging members in the forum. The e-mail address to be used to report disputes is

v. Legal entities should know consumer rights and act accordingly. The publication of the companies' acts and documents against consumer rights, the accuracy of which is proven by the site management, will not be prevented. According to the law on consumer rights of the Republic of Turkey, users are not prevented from sharing their personal product usage experiences in a negative and positive way if they comply with other Turkish laws.


This agreement will remain in effect until the member cancels his membership or until his membership is canceled by the Council or the Divan Forum. The Council or the Divan Forum may terminate the contract unilaterally by canceling the membership of the member in case the member violates any provision of the membership agreement.


Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized in disputes related to this Agreement.


The membership request of the member means that the member has read all the articles in the membership agreement and accepted the articles in the Membership Agreement. This Agreement was concluded at the moment of acceptance of membership and notification to the member and it entered into force mutually.




Content shared in this site is based on personal experience and is not aimed for advertisement of any tobacco, tobacco products, cigars, cigar accessories, nor any specific brand. el Lector Blog or any subject of this site cannot be held liable against any harm or damage that may occur to your cigars, accessories or to yourself as a result of the content of this site. 

Content subject to Copyright and cannot be shared without permission.  


© 2024 by el Lector

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