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Ohh, the inside of my humidorum is swanky!

The day is coming, you may not open the lid of your humidor for one reason or another. If you are one of the people who do not smoke inside the house, sometimes you may not have opened the lid of your humidor for a few days, even while waiting for the cold weather to pass. Why did I say that now, is there any harm?

Although it is not completely harmful, I cannot say that it is very useful. If you remember your discomfort when you enter a house where doors or windows cannot be opened for days, you can guess that your precious cigars will be subjected to a similar condition after a while. It is very useful to ventilate your humidor occasionally, even if you are not going to take a cigar, for a short time. The main reason for this is that the air inside is refreshed and circulates for a short time, which allows the moisture inside your humidor to be dispersed and balanced to a bit. As you know, humidity stays up, especially in desktop humidores, while cabinet collapses down in humidors. Providing circulation by opening the doors allows the moisture collected on one side of the humidor to circulate inside the humidor.

As a remedy, different brands continue to offer different products to the market. One of the last examples of these, one that catches my eye, comes from Xikar, which we know well and we love to use all the accessories; his name is HumiFan.

Xikar HumiFan is exactly the product for the needs mentioned above. It works for 15 seconds in every 15 minutes and circulates the air inside the humidor, ensuring an even distribution of moisture everywhere. The extremely large, circular air intake filter and the fan at the top, which re-discharges the air at an angle, help both the bottom and top cigars to benefit from the moisture inside the humidor.

The LED indicator above the humidor also keeps you informed about HumiFan's battery status. Sure, you have to sacrifice some space from your humidor, but I think the advantage it offers is worth it.

Product, but for the moment I see the web sites about the sale of the product, which is sold as a distributor in Turkey Xike Tobacconist 'den can learn.

Enjoyable smoking ...




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