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It should not be called a plant ...

Tobacco is a plant after all, but it has always preserved its importance throughout history. There have been many times when people settled in a new region and played an important role in the development of that region with its production and trade. Can any tobacco be used to wrap the precious cigars of us cigar lovers?

The origin of the tobacco plant is Latin America, even before Cuba, Ecuador and the mountainous parts of Peru. Plants such as eggplant, petunia, and tomato are actually considered under the tobacco family in botanick science. However, there are only two tobacco plants from this family that can be smoked - Nicotiana Rustica Linnaeus and Nicotiana Tabacum Linnaeus. Nicotiana Tabacum is the one used in almost all smoking and smoking tobacco products today, including cigarettes. Whether tobacco can be used for cigarettes or cigars is different family members of this plant Tabacum. Among these, yellow (blonde) and oriental tobacco are mainly used for cigarettes, while those known as brown / black tobacco are used for cigars.

Today, derivatives of Tabacum, produced for cigars in different flavors and flavors, are produced in different countries of the world with hot and humid climates and volcanic soils. In fact, we can simply talk about five main geographic locations and five main types of tobacco. Other than these, there are derivatives that emerged as a result of different trials and vaccinations.

  • Bahia : One of the oldest known pure tobacco seeds produced in Brazil.

  • Broadleaf : The main origin of this species, which is widely grown especially in America, is the Andes Mountains.

  • Habanesis Hybrids : The species that was brought from Mexico to Cuba in 1534, where it forms the base of the famous Cuban tobacco.

  • San Andres Negro : Species bred by the Aztecs in Mexico.

  • Sumatran : A type of tobacco that was first grown in Sumatra, an Indonesian island.

As I mentioned above, other than these main types, tobacco types that are widely used today are tobacco plants derived from the above five main types. To mention these:

  • Arapiraca : Tobacco grown in Brazil and derived from Bahia.

  • Besuki: A type of tobacco grown in the Jember region of Indonesia, with two types as Early and Late Harvest.

  • Broadleaf : The type that is grown in the sun in Windsor, Connecticut, USA, stalk-cut and frequently used in Maduro cigars.

  • Cameroon (Cameroon) : The species first started to be grown in the 1950s and then revived in the 90s to regain its former strength. This species was first cultivated outside of Cameroon in 2003 in Ecuador.

  • Connecticut Shade : Species grown in the shade since 1906 in the Connecticut River Valley area to be used as a wrap leaf. The seeds of this plant are grown almost everywhere, especially in Ecuador and Honduras.

  • Connecticut Sun-Grown : Sun-grown variety whose roots are from Cuban seeds from the 1870s.

  • Corojo : Tobacco, which was grown from Criollo in Cuba in the 1940s, especially for wrapping leaves, until 1997, and later replaced the species that were more resistant to pests and diseases. It is also widely grown in Honduras and Nicaragua.

  • Corojo'99 : Species derived from Cuba again in 1999 for the winding leaf. It is currently grown in Ecuador and other countries.

  • Criollo : Cuba's purebred tobacco type produced in 1941. Today it is widely grown in other countries, especially in Honduras and Nicaragua.

  • Criollo'98 / Criollo'99 : Tobaccos derived from purebred Criollo in 1998 and 1999 to be more resistant to pests and diseases.

  • Habana 2000 : The species that was grown more resistant to diseases and pests instead of Corojo in 1992. When it started to be cultivated in Nicaragua in 1996, its reputation grew even more. Today it is also grown in Honduras and Mexico.

  • Isabela : The species that has a light characteristic and is grown in the Philippines.

  • Mata Fina'Mata Norte / Mata Sul : Derived from Bahia in Brazil.

  • Olor : Purebred tobacco of the Dominican Republic. It is a very light type.

  • Piloto Cubano : Tobacco brought from Cuba since 1960 and widely grown in the Dominican Republic.

  • San Andres : Species produced from historical seeds in the San Andres valley in Mexico. Today it is grown especially in Costa Rica.

  • San Vicente : The type grown in the Dominican Republic from the seeds of tobacco grown on the San Vicente farm in Cuba. It is lighter and weaker in taste than Piloto Cubano in Cuba.

  • Sumatra : Tobacco originating in Indonesia but now grown almost everywhere, mainly in Ecuador and Mexico.

  • Tembakau Bawah Naungan (NBT) : A variety of Besuki and Connecticut cross produced in Indonesia for shade bandages since the 1980s.

  • Vorstenlanden (VBN) : Species grown in the shade on the Indonesian island of Jawa and used as a dressing leaf.

It is obvious that the tobacco types will not be limited to the above, and that some will leave their places to other species as before. Currently, manufacturers are already experimenting with different flavors and flavors. This means that we, cigar lovers, will constantly try new flavors.

Enjoyable smoking for everyone.




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