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Pure Innovation -  HENK Accessories


It is one of ours, cigar lovers, main concerns, how to carry around our precious cigars, without harming them, nor losing their humidity during travels. There are already a lot of accessories to provide that comfort to us but if not all, most of them have some improvement to do, in terms of certain details to address certain needs. Simply for example, place to squeeze our cutter, lighter or Boveda Pack.

The accessories, or better said suitcase brand HENK, has been offering a variety of cigar accessories for travelers for some time. The one particular reason for this is because the owner Heiko Poerz is a cigar aficionado, smoking cigars longer than 40 years now. Beginning of this year HENK has brought another very attractive product to the market, the Minibone. I hear you asking, if there is mini, is there a bigger one? Well, we'll come to that.

So what has MiniBone to offer? This handcrafted in Germany cigar case in dimensions 16,8  x 6,6 x 6,6 cm, allowing to carry around 2sticks upto 55x15cm. There is also a small section, where you can insert your cutter and lighter as well as an opening to slide in your Boveda pack. It comes with a twist-off lid and a rope to hang around your neck or anywhere you desire while carrying. There is also some space to carry around your credit card, while you are strolling through the city you are visiting, or at the beach.

Mini Bone İçerik
Heiko Poerz
Mini Bone Stand

Now onto the big brother The Cigarbone, which has been on the market for some time. In case you havenot met The Cigarbone, this larger case has a bit more to offer compared to its little brother. First of all, it can carry up to 6 cigars. There are two different sizes Deluxe and RT(Robusto, Toro), with dimensions 20 (17 RT) x 9 x 7,5 cm. There is once again space for your cutter and lighter. The body can be used as a cigar stand and the bottom part, coming off, could be used as an ashtray. One great feature and diffference to Minibone is that, you can remove the cigar holder section and carry them around separately with their own cap and Bovedas. What a great innovative product.

Bone Ebatlar
Bone Ayrı Puro Kılıf
Bone Kesit

There are two other two useful accessories I would like to mention are the Stogiebag and Carbon Cigar Tank. Again you could fine similar items to these but the functionality and the details behind them are remarkable. Stogiebag is a 215 x 60 x 60 mm case with drawers, under which you can slide your Boveda packs. The lid has space for your cutter and ligther and so those bulkier items donot harm your cigars, there is a separator between your cigars and the lid. The last item is a carbon case, that also is innovative with a space for Boveda on the upper half of the telescopic case and round openings for Boveda to function well for your cigars.

Stogiebag Açık.jpg
Stogiebag Çeşit.jpg
Karbon Puro Kılıfı Boveda.png

As you can see the accessories are quite innovative with their details and that is what makes them so special for me actually. To make these patented and protected accessories even more interesting, you can fully customize them with logo, name, color and materials. What else can you wish? If you wanted an upgrade to your regular travel cases, Henk accessories are definitely your go to address.

Long ashes...




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