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A book touching your soul, The Cigar: From Soil to Soul


The Cigar: From Soil to Soul, is the name of Didier Houvenaghel's renewed book. A book even with it's title, clearly states, why a cigar is not just another simple product. A book that tells about every step of the story of the cigar, from a tiny seed touching the soil to become a cigar until it touches our soul. The value of the effort and sweat behind it. A much more comprehensive edition than the first one.


Unlike the first book, this book consists of two volumes. At the same time, it is clear that more attention has been paid to details in terms of both appearance and the materials used, with the desire to place the book differently. In addition to the regular edition with cloth-covered cover and the jacket containing both volumes, a limited edition version of the book is also available. Limited to 499 copies, this edition's cover is made of bamboo and includes additional handmade drawings at the beginning of the chapters. Also in this edition, there is a jacket for the two volumes to be shelved together.

The first volume of the book describes the process from the time the tobacco seeds go into soil until the time the leaves rolled into a cigar. In addition to the history of cigars, the book talks about the importance of cigar, factories and manufacturers in history and their impact on events. Didier shares information that we may not find in most cigar books, from the effects of different countries' soils on tobacco and cigars, to important differences in harvesting styles and their effects on the leaves and the cigars. The last part of this volume includes the details on blending of tobacco leaves used and the rolling of the cigar.


Didier, who finishes the first volume by rolling a cigar, now begins to touch the soul in the second volume. How the tasting is done, what the dynamics are, are the topics of the first part. After mentioning the importance of tasting a cigar, in the next section, Didier now talks on how a cigar should appeal to the five senses. The book explains and touches on many points that are not often encountered in the books on the market, such as the smell and the burning of the cigar, which are necessary and need attention to increase the pleasure of smoking. In the following sections, the misfortunes that can happen to your cigar while storing, cutting or lighting up are explained, which could negatively affect your smoking pleasure. The last part of the second volume includes the sensory analyzes that we also constantly research and talk about intesively during our panel tastings.


The book really touches he soul of a cigar lover, just like it's name outlines. And if you read it while smoking a cigar, both reading and smoking become divine pleasures. Books on cigars are not published often, especially such a comprehensive and timeless one. It is usually hard to come by even among the existing ones. Since this book is very different from the thick coffee table books with lots of pictures and big writing, it distinguishes itself to be a truly informative, satisfying, and, ultimately, delightful  book and hence, should be put at a different level. A resource that cigar lovers should definitely have in their library.

You can reach further details and purchase any edition on book's own website.

Happy smoking...




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