Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic, right or wrong, is the country with the most known and appreciated tobacco leaves after Cuba. It is the only place where tobacco and cigar producers set up their new factories and lives after the revolution in Cuba. However, the history of tobacco is as old in this country as it is in Cuba.
The main tobacco growing place in the Dominican Republic is the Cibao Valley between two mountain ranges. The best tobaccos of the country are grown in the Yaque Valley, which is a part of this valley and can be called the Vuelta Abajo region of the Dominican Republic. One of the main advantages of these valleys is that besides their fertile soil, the fields can remain sheltered from harsh weather thanks to the mountains. In these mountain foothills with high drainage, slightly cool breezes that absorb the warmth of the day also play a major role in the growth of quality tobacco.
Although the tobacco grown here did not match its quality for the wrapping leaf in the early days, today, as a result of research and experiments, which is a success of the Fuente Family, incredible quality wrapping leaves are grown, especially in the south of Yaque Valley, and as far as I know, only the Fuente Family. in use. Apart from the Fuente family, those who use Dominican Republic tobacco as a wrapper use it to make Candela (Double Claro) style cigars.
Villa Gonzales, also located in the Yaque Valley, in the Dominican Republic, is what Pinar del Rio is in Cuba. The most tropical and fertile lands of the valley are found in this region. But in the valley, tobacco is grown and used in cigars in many regions with different soil characteristics. This allows almost unlimited combinations of blends for cigars.
There are three main types of tobacco in the Dominican Republic: Olor, piloto Cubano and San Vicente. Piloto , as you can guess from the name, is tobacco obtained from seeds of Cuban Vuelto Abajo origin. A type of tobacco used in blends that will make a difference due to its intense and distinctly flavored structure. San Vicente has a slightly less aromatic but slightly more acidic structure than piloto. Olor , on the other hand, has the most neutral and slightly salty flavor of the three. Generally, certain proportions of all of these tobacco types are used in blends.
As I mentioned above, this country tobacco is still mainly used as filling and binding leaves. He uses the small amount of wrapping leaves in his own production Fuente Family cigars.
Of course, apart from tobacco, the Dominican Republic is also a good destination for a holiday. Especially the cigar festival ProCigar time, a country you might want to go to.
Enjoyable smoking ...